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  • NDA & NA exam is conducted by the union public service commission (UPSC).The recruitment of students for all the 3 wings Army,Navy and Air-force is through National Defence Entrance
  • Exam which is held twice a year,probably in the month of April and september.
  • Official website:


  • The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admit Card three weeks before the commencement of the examination. 
  • The tentative dates for downloading admit cards is 20 august 2020 for both NDA 1 and NDA 2 exams.
  • The e-Admit Card will be made available on the UPSC website ( for being downloaded by candidates.
  •  No Admit Card will be sent by post.
NOTE:- All the applicants are required to provide valid & active e-mail id while filling up online application form as the Commission may use electronic mode for contacting them. 


  • The Union Public Service Commission shall prepare a list of candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as fixed by the Commission at their discretion. 
  • The result is in PDF format.


  • The SSB procedure consists of two stage Selection process - stage I and stage II.
  • Only those candidates who clear the stage I are permitted to appear for stage II. 
  • The details are :Stage I comprises of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests are Picture Perception and Description Test (PP&DT).
  • The candidates will be shortlisted based on combination of performance in OIR Test and PP&DT. 
  • Stage II Comprises of Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests and the Conference.
  • These tests are conducted over 4 days. 
  • The details of these tests are given on the website
  • The personality of a candidate is assessed by three different assessors viz. The Interviewing Officer (IO), Group Testing Officer (GTO) and the Psychologist.
  • There are no separate weightage for each test.
  • The marks are allotted by assessors only after taking into consideration the performance of the candidate holistically in all the test. 
  • Marks for Conference are also allotted based on the initial performance of the Candidate in the three techniques and decision of the Board. 
  • All these have equal weightage.
  • The pattern of SSB interview given below:



  • To be deemed ‘Medically fit’, a candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/syndrome/disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of military duties in any terrain, climate, season incl sea and air, in remote areas, in austere conditions with no medical aid.   
  • There should be no evidence of weak constitution, imperfect development of any system, any congenital deformities/ diseases/syndrome or malformation. 
  • No swelling/s including tumours/cyst/swollen lymph node/s anywhere on the body. No sinus/es or fistula/e anywhere on the body. 
  • No hyper or hypo pigmentation or any other disease/syndrome/disability of the skin.
  • No hernia anywhere on the body. 
  • No scars which can impair the functioning and cause significant disfigurement. 
  • No arterio-venous malformation anywhere in/on the body. 
  • No malformation of the head and face including asymmetry, deformity from fracture or depression of the bones of the skull
  • No scars indicating old operative interference and malformation like sinuses and fistulae etc. 
  • No impairment of vision including colour perception and field of vision. 
  • No hearing impairment, deformities/disabilities in ears vestibule-cochlear system.  
  • No impediment of speech due to any aetiology. 
  • No disease/disability/ congenital anomaly/syndrome of the bones or cartilages of the nose, or palate, nasal polyps or disease of the naso-Pharynx, uvula and accessory sinuses. 
  • There should be no nasal deformity and no features of chronic tonsillitis.  
  • No disease /syndrome/disability of the throat, palate tonsils or gums or any disease or injury affecting the normal function of either mandibular joint.
  • No disease /syndrome/disability of the heart and blood vessels incl congenital, genetic, organic incl hypertension, and conduction disorders.  
  • No evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any other disease/syndrome/disability chronic disease of the lungs and chest including allergies/immunological conditions, connective tissue disorders, musculoskeletal deformities of chest. 
  • No disease of the digestive system including any abnormality of the liver, pancreas incl endocrinal, congenital, hereditary or genetic diseases /syndromes and disabilities.  
  • No diseases/syndrome/disability of any endocrinal system, reticuloendothelial system. 
  • No diseases/ syndrome/ disability of genito-urinary system including malformations, atrophy/hypertrophy of any organ or gland.  
  • No active, latent or congenital venereal disease. 
  • No history or evidence of mental disease, epilepsy, incontinence of urine or enuresis.  
  • No disease/deformity/syndrome of musculo-skeletal system and joints incl skull, spine and limbs.  
  • There is no congenital or hereditary disease/ syndrome/disability.  

Based on the above mentioned guidelines usual medical conditions which lead to rejection are:- 

  • Musculo-skeletal deformities of spine, chest and pelvis, limbs e.g. scoliosis, torticollis, kyphosis, deformities of vertebrae, ribs, sternum, clavicle, other bones of skeleton, mal-united fractures, deformed limbs, fingers, toes and congenital deformities of spine. 
  • Deformities of Limbs: Deformed limbs, toes and fingers, deformed joints like cubitus valgus, cubitus varus, knock knees, bow legs, hyper mobile joints, amputated toes or fingers and shortened limbs. 
  • Vision and eye: Myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, lesions of cornea, lens, retina, squint and ptosis. 
  • Hearing, ears, nose and throat: Sub standard hearing capability, lesions of pinna, tympanic membranes, middle ear, deviated nasal septum, and congenital abnormalities of lips, palate, peri-auricular sinuses and lymphadenitis/ adenopathy of neck. 
  • Hearing capacity should be 610 cm for Conversational Voice and Forced Whispering for each ear. 
  • Dental conditions:- Significant jaw discrepancies between upper and lower jaw which may hamper efficient mastication and/or speech will be a cause for rejection.
  • Symptomatic Temporo-Mandibular Joint clicking and tenderness. A mouth opening of less than 30 mm measured at the incisal edges, Dislocation of the TMJ on wide opening. 
  • All potentially cancerous conditions. 
  • Clinical diagnosis for sub mucous fibrosis with or without restriction of mouth opening.  
  • Poor oral health status in the form of gross visible calculus, periodontal pockets and/or bleeding from gums.  
  • Loose teeth: More than two mobile teeth will render the candidate unfit. 
  •  Cosmetic or post-traumatic maxillofacial surgery/trauma will be UNFIT for at least 24 weeks from the date of surgery/injury whichever is later.  
  • If malocclusion of teeth is hampering efficient mastication, maintenance of oral hygiene or general nutrition or performance of duties efficiently. 
  • Chest: Tuberculosis, or evidence of tuberculosis, lesions of lungs, heart, musculo skeletal lesions of chest wall. 
  • Abdomen and genitor-urinary system: Hernia, un-descended testis, varicocele, organomegaly, solitary kidney, horseshoe kidney & cysts in the kidney/liver, Gall bladder stones, renal and ureteric stones, lesions/deformities of urogenital organs, piles, sinuses and lymphadenitis/pathy.  
  • Nervous system: Tremors, speech impediment and imbalance. 
  • Skin: Vitiligo, haemangiomas, warts, corns, dermatitis, skin infections growths and hyperhydrosis.
  • Body Mass Index should be below 25. 
  • Waist Hip ratio should be below 0.9 for males and 0.8 for females. 
  • Waist Circumference should be less than 90 cm for males and 80 cm for females. 
  • All biochemical metabolic parameters should be within normal limits.Few of such commonly found defects/ailments are listed below:

     (a) Wax (Ears) 

     (b) Deviated Nasal Septum 
     (c) Hydrocele/Varicocele/Phimosis 
     (d) Overweight/Underweight
     (e) Piles 
     (f) Gynaecomastia 

NOTE: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and candidate will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis. 

  • The minimum acceptable height is 157 cms. However, relaxation in height is permissible to candidates holding domicile of areas as mentioned below:

There is different height & Weight standards for Army, Navy and Air-Force. Click here

  • Chest should be well developed. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cms.X-Ray of the chest is compulsory and will be taken to rule out any disease of the chest. 
  • There should be no mal-development or impairment of function of the bones or joint. 
The candidates with the following conditions will be disqualified for entry to Navy:-  

  • Granulomatous disease of spine.  
  • Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis & allied disorders and ankylosing spondylitis 
  • Scoliosis more than 10 degree as measured as Cobb’s Method.  
  • More than mild Kyphosis / Lordosis  
  • Spondylolisthesis / Spondylosis / Spondylolysis  
  • Herniated nucleus pulposes 
  • Compression fracture of Vertebra. 
  • Sacralisation Disease 
  • Cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or circulatory deficit  
  • Presence of Schmorl’s node at more than one level.
  • Atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial anomalies 
  • Incomplete Sacralisation- Unilateral or Bilateral  
  • Spina Bifida other than SV 1 and LV 5 if completely Sacralised 
  • Any other abnormality, if so considered by specialist. 
  • The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cms in a quiet room.
  • There is no impediment of speech.
  • There should be no signs of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. 
  • Blood pressure should be normal. 
  • There should be no enlargement of liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen will be a cause for rejection. 
Un-operated hernias will make a candidate unfit. In case of Hernia which has been operated, a minimum of six months must have passed prior to final medical examination
  • There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles. 
  • Urine examination will be done and any abnormality if detected will be a cause for rejection. 
  • Any disease of skin which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection. 
  • Vision Standards
      (i) Uncorrected without glass 6/6, 6/9 
      (ii) Corrected with glass 6/6, 6/6 
      (iii) Limits of Myopia -0.75 D 
      (iv) Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5 D 
      (v) Binocular Vision III 
      (vi) Limits of ColourPerception I 
  • USG abdomen examination will be carried out and any congenital structural anomaly or disease of the abdominal organs will be a cause for rejection. 
  • The candidates should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22.
  • A candidate should not be suffering from severe pyorrhea. 
  • Physical Conditioning. Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition, by following the undermentioned routine:-  
     (a) Running : 2.4 km in 15 minutes
     (b) Skipping
     (c) Pushups & Sit-ups : Minimum 20 each
     (d) Chin ups : Minimum 08
     (e) Rope Climbing : 3.4 mtrs


  • Asymmetry of the face and head, which will interfere with proper fitting of oxygen mask and helmet, will be a cause for rejection for flying duties.
  • Minor scars and Birth Marks for e.g. as resulting from the removal of tuberculous glands do not, per se, indicate unsuitability for employment on flying duties.
  •  Cervical rib without any neurovascular compromise will be accepted. This will be recorded in the medical board proceedings.  
  • Height, Sitting Height, Leg Length and Thigh Length 
  • The minimum height for entry into ground duty branches will be 157.5 cm.
  • Gorkhas and individuals belonging to North Eastern regions of India and hilly regions of Uttarakhand, the minimum acceptable height will be 5 cm less (152.5 cm). 
  • In case of candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum acceptable height can be reduced by 2 cm (155.5 cm).
  • Minimum height for Flying Branch will be 162.5 cm. 
  • Acceptable measurements of leg length, thigh length and sitting height for such aircrew will be as under: - 
      (i) Sitting height: Minimum- 81.5 cm Maximum- 96.0 cm
      (ii) Leg Length: Minimum- 99.0 cm Maximum- 120.0 cm
      (iii) Thigh Length: Maximum- 64.0 cm

  • The normal pulse rate varies from 60-100 bpm. 
  • Persistent sinus tachycardia (> 100 bpm), after emotional factors and fever are excluded as causes, as well as persistent sinus bradycardia (< 60 bpm), will be referred for specialist opinion to exclude organic causes. Sinus arrhythmia and vagotoniawill also be excluded. 
  •  An individual with BP consistently greater than or equal to 140/90 mm of Hg will be rejected.
  • Pleurisy with Effusion. Any evidence of significant residual pleural thickening will be a cause for rejection. 
  • History of repeated attacks of bronchial asthma/ wheezing/ allergic rhinitis will be a cause for rejection. 
  • Any past surgical procedure involving partial or total loss of an organ (other than vestigial organs/gall bladder) will entail rejection.
  • Candidates suffering from viral hepatitis or any other form of jaundice will be rejected.
  •  Splenomegaly of any degree is a cause for rejection.
liver Unfit:
  • (aa) Hepatomegaly more than 15 cm in midclavicular line. 
  • (ab) Fatty liver 
  • (ac) Solitary cyst > 2.5 cm
  • (ad) Solitary cyst of any size with thick walls, septations and debris 
  • (ae) Any calcifications more than 03 mm in size. 
  • (af) More than three calcifications even if each is less than 03 mm in size. 
  • (ag) Multiple hepatic cysts of any size. 
  • (ah) Hemangioma> 02cm. 
  • (aj) Portal vein thrombosis. 
  • (ak) Evidence of portal hypertension (PV >13 mm, collaterals, ascites). 
Galbladder Unfit:
  • (aa) Cholelithiasis or biliary sludge. 
  • (ab) Choledocolithiasis. 
  • (ac) Polyp of any size and number. 
  • (ad) Choledochal cyst. 
  • (ae) Gall bladder mass. 
  • (af) Gall bladder wall thickness > 05 mm. 
  • (ag) Septate gall bladder. 
  • (ah) Persistently contracted gall bladder on repeat USG. 
  • (ai) Incomplete Cholecystectomy. 
  • Spleen more than 13 cm in longitudinal axis (or if clinically palpable), any Space Occupying Lesion and Asplenia will be considered Unfit. 
  • Any structural abnormality of the Pancreas, Space Occupying Lesion/Mass Lesion, Features of chronic pancreatitis (calcification,ductular abnormality, atrophy) will be considered Unfit. (n) Peritoneal Cavity. Ascites, Solitary mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymph node >1 cm and Two or more lymph nodes of any size will be considered Unfit. 
  •  The following congenital structural abnormalities of kidneys will be declared unfit. 
  • (aa) Unilateral renal agenesis. 
  • (ab) Unilateral or bilateral hypoplastic/contracted kidney of size less than 08 cm. 
  • (ac) Malrotation. 
  • (ad) Horseshoe kidney. 
  • (ae) Ptosed kidney. 
  • (af) Crossed fused/ ectopic kidney. 
  • Major Abdominal Vasculature (Aorta/ IVC). Any structural abnormality, focal ectasia, aneurysm and calcification will be considered Unfit. 
Scrotum and Testis 
  • (i) Unlilateralintrabdominal testes, provided the other testes is completely descended will be declared fit. 
  • (ii) Bilateral undescended testes or bilateral atrophied testis will be declared unfit. 
  • (iii) Unilateral undescended testis if it lies in the inguinal canal, at the external ring or in the abdominal wall will be declared unfit. (iv) Varicocele will be unfit.
Urine Examination 
  • Proteinuria will be a cause for rejection, unless it proves to be orthostatic. 
  • When glycosuria is detected, a blood sugar examination (fasting and after 75 g glucose) and glycosylated Hb is to be carried out, and fitness decided as per results. Renal glycosuria is not a cause for rejection. 54 
  • When the candidate has history or evidence of urinary infection it will entail full renal investigation. Persistent evidence of urinary infection will entail rejection.
  • Candidate with chronic glomerulonephritis will be rejected. 
  • Renal Colic and Renal Calculi. Complete renal and metabolicevaluation is required. 
  • Candidates with renal calculi will be rejected.
  • Crossed ectopia, unascended or malrotated kidney(s), unilateral congenital hypoplasia will be a cause for rejection. 
  • Bilateral undescended testis /atrophied testis will be a cause for rejection
  • Sexual Transmitted Diseases and Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV). Seropositive HIV status and/ or evidence of STD will entail rejection.  
  •  Extensive Pityriasis Versicolor may be considered unfit
  • Any sign of Leprosy will be a cause for rejection.
  • Individuals who have chronic or frequently recurring attacks of a skin disease of a serious or incapacitating nature e.g. eczema will be assessed as permanently unfit and rejected. 
  • Those having extensive degree of skin involvement and especially, when the exposed parts are affected, even to a minor degree, will not be accepted.
  • Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition known to relapse and/or recur and hence will be considered unfit. candidates with multiple common warts or diffuse palmoplantar mosaic warts, large callosities on pressure areas of palms and soles and multiple corns will be rejected.  
 The following conditions detected radiologically will disqualify a candidate for Air Force Service:-
  • Granulomatous disease of spine  
  • Arthritis/Spondylosis 
  • (aa) Rheumatoid arthritis and allied disorders. 
  • (ab) Ankylosing Spondylitis. 
  • (ac) Osteoarthrosis, spondylosis and degenerative joint disease. 
  • (ad) Non-articular rheumatism (e.g. lesions of the rotator cuff, tennis elbow, recurrent lumbago etc.). 
  • (ae) Misc disorders including SLE, Polymyositis, and Vasculitis. 
  • (af) Spondylolisthesis/ Spondylolysis. 
  • (ag) Compression fracture of vertebra. 
  • (ah) Scheuerman‘s Disease (Adolescent Kyphosis). 
  • (aj) Loss of cervical lordosis when associated with clinically restricted movements of cervical spine. 
  • (ak) Unilateral/Bilateral cervical ribs with demonstrable neurological or circulatory deficit. 
  • Fixed (rigid) deformity or hammer toe associated with corns, callosities, mallet toes or hyperextension at metatarsophalangeal joint (claw toe deformity) will be rejected. 
  • Loss of any digit of the toes entails rejection. 
  • Extra digits will entail rejection if there is bony continuity with adjacent digits.
  • Cases of syndactyly or loss of toes/fingers will be rejected. 
  • All cases of Talipes (Club Foot) will be rejected.  
  • If the distance between the two internal malleoli is more than 5 cm, candidatewill be declared unfit.
  • True lesions of the hip joint will entail rejection.
  • A candidate giving a history of mental illness/ psychological afflictions requires detailed investigation and psychiatric referral. Such cases will be rejected.
  • History of insomnia, nightmares or frequent sleepwalking or bed-wetting, when recurrent or persistent, will be a cause for rejection.
  • Candidates who are suffering from psychosis will be rejected. Drug dependence in any form will also be a cause for rejection. 
  • Any septal perforation will entail rejection.
  •  Atrophic rhinitis will entail rejection.
  • Cases of allergic rhinitis will entail rejection for flying duties. 
  • Multiple polyposis will be a cause for rejection. 
  • Candidates where tonsillectomy is indicated will be rejected.
  • The presence of a cleft palate will be a cause for rejection.
  • Any disabling condition of the pharynx or larynx including persistent hoarseness of voice will entail rejection. 
  •  Obstruction or insufficiency of eustachian tube function will be a cause for rejection.   
  • Free field hearing loss is a cause for rejection. 
  • Cases of chronic otitis externa accompanied by exostoses or unduly narrow meatiiwill be rejected. 
  • Exaggerated tortuosity of the canal, obliterating the anterior view of the tympanic membrane will be a cause for rejection.
The following middle ear conditions will entail rejection:-
  • Attic, central or marginal perforation. 
  • Tympanic membrane scar with marked retraction. 
  • Tympanoplasty Type II onward but not Type I. 
  • Calcareous plaques (tympanosclerosis) if occupying more than 1/3 of pars tensa. 
  • Middle ear infections. 
  • Granulation or polyp in external auditory canal. 
  • Stapedectomy operation. 
  • Miscellaneous Ear Conditions. The following ear conditions will entail rejection:- 
       (i) Otosclerosis.
       (ii) Meniere‘s disease.
      (iii) Vestibular dysfunction including nystagmus of vestibular  origin.
       (iv) Bell‘s palsy following ear infection. 

  • Visual defects and medical ophthalmic conditions are amongst the major causes of rejection for flying duties. 


Before a candidate joins the Academy, the parent or guardian will be required to sign :— 
  • A certificate to the effect that he fully understands that he or his son or ward shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from the Government in respect of any injury which his son or ward may sustain in the course of or as a result of the training or where bodily infirmity or death results in the course of or as a result of a surgical operation performed upon or anesthesia administered to him for the treatment of any injury received as aforesaid or otherwise. 
  • A bond to the effect that if, on account of his dismissal or discharge or withdrawal from National Defence Academy for knowingly furnishing false particulars or suppressing material information in his application for admission to the said National Defence Academy 
  • In the event of his being dismissed or discharged or withdrawn on disciplinary grounds from the said, National Defence Academy 
  • For any reason not beyond the control of the cadet, he does not complete the prescribed period of training 
  • The cadet, does not accept a Commission if offered as conventated above, then the Guarantors and the cadet shall jointly and severally be liable to pay forthwith to Government in cash sums as the Government shall fix but not exceeding such expenses as shall have been incurred by the Government on account of the Cadet on his training and all the money received by the Cadets as pay and allowance from the Government together with interest on the said money calculated at the rate in force for Government loans. 
  • The cost of training including accommodation, books, uniforms, boarding and medical treatment will be borne by the Government. Parents or guardians of cadets, will, however, be required to meet their pocket and other private expenses. Normally these expenses are not likely to exceed Rs. 3000.00 p.m. 
  • If in any case a cadets’s parents or guardian is unable to meet wholly or partly even this expenditure financial assistance of Rs. 1000.00 p.m. for the period of training may be granted by the Government whose parents income is less than Rs. 21,000/- per month. 
  • Cadet whose parent’s or guardian’s income exceeds Rs. 77 21,000/- per month will not be liable for the assistance. 
  • If more than one son/ward simultaneously undergoing training at NDA, IMA, OTA and corresponding training establishment in the Navy and Air Force, then BOTH would be eligible for the financial assistance. 
  •  The parent/guardian of a candidate desirous of having financial assistance from the Government should immediately after his son/ward having been finally selected for training at the National Defence Academy submit an application through the District Magistrate of his District who will forward the application with his recommendation to the Commandant, National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune-411023. 
Candidates finally selected for training at the Academy will be required to deposit the following amount with the Commandant, National Defence Academy, on their arrival there :— 
  • (a) Pocket allowance for five months @ Rs. 3000.00 per month. Rs. 15000.00 
  • (b) For items of clothing and equipment Rs. 21831.00 
  • (c) Army Group Insurance Fund Rs. 7200.00 
  • (d) Clothing items required at the time of joining Rs. 8681.00 
  • (e) Incidental Expenditure during 1st Semester Rs. 7138.00 Total Rs. 59850.00 
 Out of the amount mentioned above the following amount is refundable to the candidates in the event of financial aid being sanctioned to them :— 
  • (a) Pocket allowance for five months Rs. 2000.00 at Rs. 400.00 per month (Corresponding to Govt. Financial Assistance) 
  • (b) For items of clothing and equip- Rs. 13935.00 ment approximately 
 The following Scholarships/Financial Assistance are tenable at the National Defence Academy:- 
  • PARASHURAM BHAU PATWARDHAN SCHOLARSHIP—This Scholarship is granted to cadets overall first in Academics of Passing out Course. One time scholarship amount is Rs. 5000/-.

  • COLONEL KENDAL FRANK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP—This scholarship is of the value of Rs. 4800.00 per annum and awarded to a MARATHA cadet who should be the 78 son of an ex-serviceman. The scholarship is in addition to any financial assistance from the Government. 

  • KAUR SINGH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP—Two scholarships are awarded to cadets who obtain the highest position amongst candidates from BIHAR. The value of each scholarship is Rs. 37.00 per mensem tenable for a maximum period of 4 years during the training at the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla and thereafter at the Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun and the Air Force Flying College; and Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala where the cadets may be sent for training on completion of their training at the National Defence Academy. The scholarship will, however, be continued subject to maintaining good progress at the above institution. 

  • ASSAM GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP—Two scholarships will be awarded to the cadets from ASSAM. The value of each scholarship is Rs. 30.00 per mensem and is tenable for the duration of a cadet’s stay at the National Defence Academy. The scholarships will be awarded to the two best cadets from ASSAM without any reference to the income of their parents. The cadets who are granted this scholarship will not be entitled to any other financial assistance from the Government. 

  • UTTAR PRADESH GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS— Two scholarships each of the value of Rs. 30.00 per month and an outfit stipend of Rs. 400.00 are awarded to two cadets who belong to UTTAR PRADESH on merit-cum-means basis and are tenable for a period of three years subject to satisfactory performance by the cadets at National Defence Academy. Cadets who are granted these Scholarships are not entitled to any other financial assistance from Government. 

  • KERALA GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS—One merit scholarship of the value of Rs. 480/- per annum for the entire period of training at NDA, will be awarded by the State Government of Kerala to a Cadet who is domiciled resident of the State of KERALA and who secures the first position in the All India UPSC Entrance Examination to NDA irrespective of the fact whether he has passed out from RIMC or from any of the Sainik Schools in India. The financial position of a Cadet’s father/guardian is not taken into consideration. 

  • BIHARI LAL MANDAKINI PRIZE—This is cash prize of Rs. 500.00 available for the best BENGALI boy in each Course of the Academy. Application Forms are available with the Commandant, National Defence Academy. 

  • ORISSA GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIPS—These scholarships, one for the Army, one for the Navy and the other for the Air Force of the value of Rs. 80.00 each per month will be awarded by the Government of Orissa to the cadets who are 79 permanent residents of the State of ORISSA. Two of these scholarships will be awarded on the basis of merit-cum-means of the cadets whose parent’s or guardian’s income does not exceed Rs. 5,000/- per annum and the other one will be given to the best cadet irrespective of his parent’s or guardian’s income.

  • The selected candidates for the three services viz, Army, Navy and Air Force are given preliminary training both academic and physical for a period of 3 years at the National Defence Academy which is an Inter-Service Institution. 
  • The training during the first two and half years is common to the cadets of three wings. 
  • All the cadets on passing out will be awarded degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi as under:- 
  • (a) Army Cadets - B.Sc/ B.Sc (Computer)/ B.A 
  • (b) Naval Cadets - B. Tech Degree* 
  • (c) Air Force Cadets - B. Tech Degree*/ B.Sc/B.Sc (Computer) 
Note* : All the cadets undergoing B.Sc/B.SC(Computer)/BA Degree programme shall be awarded the degree on the successful completion of Academics, Physical and Service Training at NDA. All the cadets undergoing B Tech programme shall be awarded the B.Tech degree on the subsequent Pre Commissioning Training Academies/ Institutions/ Ships/ Air Craft. 

  •  The selected candidates of the Naval Academy will be given preliminary training both academic and physical, for a period of 04 years at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala. 
  • The cadets of 10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme will be awarded a B. Tech Degree on successful completion of training. 
  • On passing out from the National Defence Academy, Army Cadets go to the Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun, Naval Cadets to Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala and Air Force cadets and Ground Duty-Non Tech streams to Air Force Academy, Hyderabad and Air Force cadets of Ground Duty–Tech stream to Air Force Technical College, Bengaluru. 
  • At the I.M.A. Army Cadets are known as Gentlemen Cadets and are given strenuous military training for a period of one year aimed at turning them into officer capable of leading infantry Subunits. On successful completion of training Gentlemen Cadets are granted Permanent Commission in the rank of Lt subject to being medically fit in "SHAPE" one. 
  • The Naval cadets are selected for the Executive Branch of the Navy, on passing out from the National Defence Academy and are given further training at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala for a 83 period of one year on successful completion of which they are promoted to the rank of Sub Lieutenants. 
  • Selected candidates for the Naval Academy under (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) will be inducted as Cadets for four year B.Tech course in Applied Electronics & Communication Engineering (for Executive Branch), Mechanical Engineering (for Engineering Branch including Naval Architect specialization) or Electronics & Communication Engineering (for Electrical Branch) as per Naval requirements. On completion of the course, B. Tech Degree will be awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). 
  • Air Force Cadets receive flying training for a period of 1½ years. However, at the end of 1 year of training they are given provisional Commission in the rank of Flying Officer. After successful completion of further training of six months they are absorbed as permanent commissioned officers on probation for a period of one year. 
  • Air Force Ground Duties Branch Cadets receive stream wise specialist training for a period of one year. At the end of one year of training they are given provisional commission in the rank of Flying Officer. Subsequently, they are absorbed as permanent commissioned officers on probation of one year.


  • The final merit list is released by (UPSC) at official website in the pdf format containing the name of the students and their roll numbers and marks obtained in the written exam and SSB interview and final total score
  • But the status of medical exam not be shown in this list.
  • The merit list is released after 15 days (approx.) of the final result released which contains only qualified candidate's name and roll numbers.

NDA/ NA is a Grade -A type job. And job Profile is very good. But you have limited attempts and limited age to apply. I cover all related details and I hope it will help you.


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